Travelling to School
Where can I find bus information?
Two bus services run past Laurus Ryecroft. This information can be found by clicking on these links:,231
Will there be a school bus?
As the school grows a school bus service will be added. For now, there are two public bus services which run frequently past the end of Cryer Street in the direction of both Droylsden and Ashton – the 231 and the 230.
Can I walk to school?
Yes! We actively encourage our students to walk to school where possible.
Can I ride to school?
Yes! We also actively encourage our students to cycle to school where possible. We have a bike code of conduct we expect our students to follow. We also have large bike storage facilities to ensure bikes can be locked safely during the school day.
The School Day
What language will my child learn?
Your child will learn Spanish, please note this cannot be changed. Your child will, if they desire, have the option to learn a second language in Key Stage 4.
Does the school follow the national curriculum?
What time do the Year 7 have lunch?
Year 7 can go for lunch at approximately 12:45pm. Students are welcome to bring a packed lunch. If they are buying food from the refectory, please ensure your child has enough money on parent pay. After lunch they can play out on the designated playground, take part in extra-curricular clubs or talk with friends in the refectory area. They will be supervised in each of these activities.
What are Electives?
Electives are our extra-curricular offer that develops students learning beyond the classroom. They are based on our four cornerstones (Academic Aspiration, Culture and Creativity, Leadership and Service and Competition and Physical Endeavour). Students have the opportunity to take different electives each term. They take place after school each day starting at 3:15pm for one hour (13:25 on a Wednesday).
When can my child use their mobile phone?
We appreciate many students use these to contact home if required on their way to or way home from school. However, mobiles are NOT required in school and should be placed in the lockers provided as soon as your child arrives at school each morning. This also means students are not allowed their phones out at break and lunchtime, in the refectory, playground or on the corridors.
How short can my child have their hair cut?
We do not allow haircuts that are less than a shave number two. If your child attends school with excessively short hair they will be kept in isolation. For further information please refer to our uniform policy:
What shoes can my child wear?
At Laurus Ryecroft students are not allowed to wear any kind of trainers. For further information please refer to our uniform guide and policy:
What is your policy on poor behaviour and bullying?
We do not tolerate either in our school. We deal with poor behaviour and bullying immediately. We have very clear rules for behaviour which are there to ensure that everyone is learning.
Can my child have time off during term time?
We will support your child’s time off if they are competing in a competition with extracurricular clubs or taking examinations, for example in music. We will also support unavoidable medical appointments. We will not support or authorise holidays during term time – please refer to our attendance policy for further details.