Travel to and from Laurus Ryecroft

Travel Information

Click on the different sections below to find out more.


We encourage Laurus Ryecroft students and sixth formers to walk or cycle to and from school. For more information about the benefits of cycling and how to ride safely, please visit the Transport for Greater Manchester website here:

Everyone should ensure their bike is roadworthy, and that they are wearing suitable safety accessories and a helmet.

Students should always follow The Highway Code.


Cycling Information & Route Planner

Please visit the Transport for Greater Manchester website here:

This includes a route planner to enable students to choose the safest route.



Follow the steps below:

1. Click ‘Plan your Journey’

2. Click ‘Cycle Streets’

3. Enter your home postcode

4. Enter the school post code M43 7LF

5. Click ‘Plan this Journey’

6. Select the quietest route


Bus Service

Public bus services that serve the Laurus Ryecroft area:

Travel Passes & Financial Support

Our Pass

Cost: £10 per year


  • Free bus travel across Greater Manchester, any day of the week, for free
  • Half-price, off-peak 1 day and weekend travelcards on Metrolink


Scholars Permit

Scholar’s permit | Transport for Greater Manchester

Cost: £5 per year


  • a child single bus ticket for journeys to and from school or college
  • a child single tram ticket or 1-day travel card for journeys to and from school or college
  • a child off-peak single train ticket or Day Return (Anytime or Off-Peak) for journeys to and from school or college

You can only use the permit in term-time, and only from Monday to Friday up to 9pm. You cannot use it at weekends or bank holidays, or for any other journeys except those which are to/from a school or £130 Term Time Pass (roughly £1 per journey).


16-19 Bursary Fund

The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help students facing financial hardship to continue in full time education after Year 11. For more information, please follow the link to our 16-19 Bursary Fund Information or get in touch with us at [email protected] to discuss further.

Car Drivers

Please remember to drive on to site to drop off or collect students in order to prevent congestion on neighbouring roads. Additional on-site parking space is available both before and after school for parents needing to drop off and pick up students. We would like to remind parents to be courteous and considerate on neighbouring streets and ensure they do not block driveways or park on local roads in the morning or the evening.